Dominoes on the bus.
The desert.
Nick and Chris' side project.
Our bus is the one with the trailer door down.
Steve, Mike, Cyrus, Anthony, Chris, Nick
First night line.
Just a cactus guy.
Glamour shots with Nick.
This shot again except with Bayside guitars.
Amoeba in Hollywood.
We parked right in front of the Capitol Records building.
Time to setup. Time for Chris to chill.
Hollywood stars.
Backstage chillin'
Jack, Josh, and Schiffman.
4 Matt's and a Chad= Shai Hulud.
Set Your Goals.
Mr. Jack O'shea aka My Boss.
Cyrus Balooki from NFG.
Chad blasting Ian in the face with some magic.
Chadball hops.
FULL LOTUS! just sayin'.